
Not Nice? 

Beautifully Tragic and Tragically Beautiful

Ruining people and destroying reputations is only the start of it.



I miss you mama

Every day I wake up and I am so scared. I don't know what I am doing. I always feel like I am making mistakes. I wish you were still here so badly. 

I want to go back mama. I want to go back and beg you to stay with me or take me with you. I need you so much. Why did you leave me all alone? 

I remember when we finally got to Fremont. It was the anniversary of my friends death. Do you remember holding me so tight while I was crying mama? I was crying so much because I had this huge hole in my life that nothing could fill. No one understood my pain. 

And you just held me and let me cry and you looked so broken over your child. 

Why did I go off to war mama? Why did I leave you? Me, who is your daughter? Why didn't I stay? Why was I so stupid? Ryan turned out to be worth nothing. You were right mama. He was a coward. And I'm stuck here mama. I can't get out of this. I cant just turn my back on my country and say, "Okay I am done now goodbye."

But it's too late now. You are gone now. 

I wish I was gone with you too. I don't have anyone to talk to anymore. Who will I tell all the silly things to? I try to talk to other people every day but it isn't the same. I don't have their attention like I have yours. The way you stop everything you are doing just to listen to me and your eyes are smiling as you tell me how silly I am. We would talk for hours. 

I miss that. I miss telling you things. I pray every night almost asking Jesus to tell you I love you so very much. I wonder if he lets you know. I know there is no suffering in Heaven so I don't think He tells you. Otherwise it will make you very sad that I am crying so much over you. And you will get mad and tell Jesus to let you come back because your babies are crying. I will try to be strong for you mama. I won't cry. Not in front of anyone.

Please don't worry for me mama. I am taking care of Monkey and Erika and Jesse. I can't take care of Lupe though mama. Will you bug God to tell Lupe to come back to God? I worry about him mama. I worry for Emily too. Who will remind her about God?

I love you mama.

-Your Lucy.