I admire people who follow their dreams.
There's something beautiful about the struggle, the drive that pushes you past limits you thought could never be broken. I once got into an argument with a man who told me he would shoot for the moon but he would be content landing in the stars. It's a wildly popular quote which I've heard a million times. And yet for the first time I was offended.
"And you're okay with that?" I asked a bit too accusingly, "You're okay with just stars?"
He of course replied with a curt nod.
We went back and forth as he explained that trying his best was all that mattered. And for the first time I disagreed. What was the point in struggling my whole life and then finally giving up and settling? How could I live with myself knowing what I settled on was something I never wanted? How could I be content with anything less than what I wanted?
And then it hit me what kind of person I truly was. I was someone who would keep going until their last breath for something I wanted more than anything. I would rather die trying than live wondering if I had just went a little further- would I have made it?
This person I have become after so many years of living, what a stubborn girl she is. I wonder when I became so strong willed. I wonder when doing my best wasn't good enough and I had to push myself even further.
What saddens me now though is that I can't think of any dreams I have now. My passion, my drive, my ambition- where did it all go?
Life- what a thorn in my side you are. I thrash and fight against you dragging me on and on. I'm struggling with breathing one second and the next you ask me to count off my dreams to you. What can I say? Make an excuse? Tell you how weak I feel? Admit that I feel defeated? That I would do anything to turn back the hands you are using to choke me now? I am forcing myself to be okay because of you, I am forcing my body to think it is healed, my mind to believe it isn't going insane, my heart that it isn't burdened with so much guilt and sorrow.
Is it working? Sing me a song my love. Play a chorus for me.