
Not Nice? 

Beautifully Tragic and Tragically Beautiful

Ruining people and destroying reputations is only the start of it.



"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

That statement alone should bring sheer joy to any young woman in love. Yet when he looks into her eyes, and says these very words aloud, she is overwhelmed with fear. He rarely tells her things that wrench her heart like this, and every time she is left speechless. Why does he tell her this now? She's tearing up and agitated all at once, yet he picks now of all times to tell her his. She feels her breath catch in her throat as she tries to pull away from his tight embrace. She feels dizzy as his grip grows stronger.

"Please don't- I'll only let you down." she begs him.

But he won't let go of her. He's obsessed with her. The need for her to be in his life is too strong for either of them to resist. He wants her around him always. He's too scared to admit that to her, how could he tell her the truth? That he wants to see her everyday, that he wants to screw his friends over just to be with her just a bit longer. Any amount of time will suffice, as long as he gets to hold her in his arms, kiss her beautiful face one more time. He must be crazy, if any one knew they would say so.

"You could never let me down. I love you."

She doesn't want to screw this up, she swears up and down she won't do anything to ruin this wonderful thing she has with this amazing boy.

"I love you too."

His feelings scare him more than anything.

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