
Not Nice? 

Beautifully Tragic and Tragically Beautiful

Ruining people and destroying reputations is only the start of it.



I had a terrible dream. I haven't had a dream so frightening in such a long time. I was working and soon time for work was over. I changed into a swimsuit and we went swiming for a bit until it got dark. At this point we were invited to go out somewhere and everyone agreed. I put some clothes over and went out and yet I felt so uneasy. At this point no matter how hard I try to remember I cannot recall the next events. It cuts to me being chased. I can't explain why, but everywhere I go these girls are following me. No matter how I try to dodge them they seem to find me wherever I go. I know I could escape to the most remote places on earth and they will still find me. Yet I still try to run. I've been hiding for what seems forever but I know they'll find me. And they do- at a theatre. I sit with a very young girl. But I know that girl is brave and very strong. She sits next to me and I don't know if I'm clinging to her or she is clinging to me. A movie is playing- there are other people there. She doesn't have a name- but to keep things clear I will call her Macy. And then they're here. Those girls. Walking up and down the aisle looking for me. They can sense me. There is no point in hiding so I call out to them. The leader smiles at me. She knows me in ways I don't even know myself. I smile back and ask how she is. Macy just sits there- we both know in a matter of seconds she'll throw away her life for me. I start to move down the aisle. There are several of those girls here- the ones who want me dead. But I'm not ready for death yet. I can hear Macy fighting back already up the aisle. It won't be long. One of the girls comes at me and I dodge. She gets frustrated and throws knives at me. It seems she has every type of blade my imagination can come up with. I catch one and get ready. She comes at me foolishly thinking it is her who will take my life. I wrestle her to the ground and pin her down. The blade in my hand looks sharp but it's so dull. I hold the blade by her throat and start to slowly saw back and forth- applying a bit more pressure each time. Soon she is bleeding. I know she will die. But I'm so afraid- there are more in the theatre- surely I can't make it out alive. I threaten them with their comrade's life but they don't seem to care at all. The girl stays on the ground dying. I stand up and more blades are thrown at me. I'm injured- I'll die here. The girls know they have me. I walk up the aisle in defeat- they take me captive. At the end of the aisle Macy stands there swaying back and forth. Her stomach has been sliced open neatly. Her intestines are all out of her stomach and strewn all down the aisle. She tries to put them back in but she knows she only has a matter of seconds. I walk past her as she falls. I walk with the leader out the door. She has a gun. I suppose she'll be my executioner. We walk for a long time. She directs me to follow some men into a cave that's pitch black and freezing. I hold the flashlight that keeps our way lit. I feel as if this is an appropiate place to die alone. No one will find me here. The men are unaware we are here. They are also wearing strange suits. I ask her about it. The leader shrugs and says this place is deadly the deeper you go in. There is something toxic here that scientists study. Out of nowhere an urge to stay alive strucks me. I pretend to fumble with the flight and it goes off. I pretend I don't know how to turn it on again and try to walk away. The leader is not stupid. Although it is pitch black and I am slowly retracing my steps in less than five seconds the end of her pistol is touching my forehead. She laughs and asks if I am so eager to die- it is obvious she has oh so many plans for me. The fun we will have. I will die here- it is certian. And then I wake up.

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