
Not Nice? 

Beautifully Tragic and Tragically Beautiful

Ruining people and destroying reputations is only the start of it.



I am good at what I do. You see dearest- I've had a lifetime of practice. This is my trade after all. I know all the ins and outs. 

So when you tell me what I've been waiting to hear since the first day. I'm relieved. Things are going exactly the way they're suppose to. No exceptions are allowed- you see? Not even you are an exception. You are not special. No one is. 

The real question is- when to strike? Should I do it now? It will certainly spare me pain. Oh- but I was always a gluten for punishment. Seems I can never have enough of it.

Do I need a second bow ring? 

Heh- no.  

It would be stupid to repeat the same mistakes. We are a temptress. We do not fall in love my dearest. Stop weeping. Hold your chin up. Happiness? Oh silly dearest- I sell the cheap imitation all the time. What did I tell you all those years ago? You couldn't take this mask off even if you tried. You cannot rid yourself of me. I am your reigning queen.

Let's have some fun!

Oh stop it with your sadness. Do you think I care? We will keep them around for fun. You love fun don't you?

Now there. That's much better!


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