
Not Nice? 

Beautifully Tragic and Tragically Beautiful

Ruining people and destroying reputations is only the start of it.



Most days are bad. Like today- it's just not a good day for me. I wonder when I will finally have my good day. When everything isn't putting me into the worst mood ever. 

If I had to live with a copy of myself I think I would go crazy. I already drive myself crazy as it is. Why can't anything make me happy? Why am I always so fucking depressed? Why can't I just get on with my life and over my PTSD?

It's so stupid. I wish I could wave a magic wand and just be OKAY. I don't want to be awesome or fantastic- I just want a damn passing grade.

It's been so long since I have confided in you old friend. Let me think on what I should update you with.

Coraline is 2 now. She turns 3 December 10th. Terrible twos are the worst. Nothing makes my kid happy either. Jesus am I rubbing off on her or is she rubbing off on me? 

Monkey turned 11 today. Happy birthday old doggo~

I move next month on the 15th of July. I am more than looking forward to it.

My mom was supposed to turn 49 today. I bought a really expensive cake and sang to my stupid dog. The cake was under-baked and I got into a fight with my brother in law like I always do. What a fucking selfish prick. Everything is his- nothing I do is good enough and he is never grateful. I'm struggling with bills and they just live rent free willy nilly.


Coraline and I just got back from Target. After we parked she pointed to the sky and yelled, "MOON!"

I looked up at the sky and there it was- all bright and shit. 

Yeah thats a fucking moon alright Cora, good job.

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