
Not Nice? 

Beautifully Tragic and Tragically Beautiful

Ruining people and destroying reputations is only the start of it.



So it's been awhile since I've written anything even remotely note worthy. XD

It's been awhile since I wrote anything at ALL.

Much better.

Let's see, fastforward the last couple of months.

I got a job.

It's at WalMart.

Go me!

Not really...

I moved out.

Yeah I know. XD

No really. I did.

I hit a year with my boyfriend.

I turned twenty.

My brother turned fifteen.

I bought my mom a bird for mothers day.

Starting today I'm always going to be broke.

Yeah...I think that covers all of it.


So last night was my first night in my new home. Three hundred a month, first of every month. Sitting right next to me is my first payment I am waiting to hand over. My feet hurt from standing in cute shoes all morning at WalMart as a new cashier. I just might like remodel better. (Which is what I was before a cashier) Oh well, no worries, as long as no one comes up with my with some weird check or money transfers I should be good. I pretty much got the hang of it so it's all good.

My room is kinda cute. My corner of the room anyway. The other half is eletronics begging to be used by me. Which I am...hehehe I gave into using the computer and I'm downloading FLYFF now.

I also have a Final in Narcotics later on today at six. Eeek! Should be pretty easy actually. MY boyfriend didn't write his paper though, I just know it. Idiot.

I'm working on being a clean responsible young lady who is nice and considarate. I have very high demands of the young adult me and one of them is maturity and sophisication. Okay...make that two. Hahahahha.

Well, I have to go now cause it's two o'clock and my boyfriend just got here.

Bye bye for now.

1 comment:

LoneShugo said...

its good to see that your posting again :) i come and visit every now and then. its cool to see you got your own place i would love to visit sometime it would be awesome to see how your doing. i hope the cashier position works out. talk to you later and i hope to see you soon